Miscarriages of JusticeUK (MOJUK)
You Cannot Break the Law to Uphold the Law
MOJUK is not concerned with the 'innocence or guilt' of those in jail. We are concerned only with their being brought to trial and convicted through 'Due Process of Law'. Miscarriages of Justice (MOJ) do not occur by chance. Every MOJ, when examined in hindsight, will show massive defects in our so-called 'Justice System', from the original incident (*in some cases which never happened) right through to the appeal court, where the 'justice system' descends into total farce.
Any abuse of due process, no matter how small, should be sufficient grounds for quashing any conviction, and compensation should be paid in every case.
Many of the miscarriages of justice supported by MOJUK are 'career criminals' who have been *'Taken off the streets by the police.
*'Taken off the streets': Police have, since their formation, been in the habit of where they think someone has committed a serious crime or habitually committed a crime and cannot get a conviction through 'due process', resort to illegal means to get convictions.
'Hostages of the State: The Criminal Justice System has become the focal point of increased criticism over recent years due to a rising Prison population, unrest within the Prison System itself, deaths in custody, racism, and 'Miscarriages of Justice’.
There are in the UK prison system many hundreds of people who are convinced they should not be there. They claim they should not be there for no other reason than that they are victims of a 'Miscarriage of Justice'. These victims of the Criminal Justice system commonly refer to themselves as 'Hostages of the State'. MOJUK has no doubts whatsoever that this is true, as there is a chronic failure within the legal system to recognise that justice:
1. Is applied by human beings who are not infallible
2. Distortion of facts is a standard method of gaining convictions
3. Police do lie and plant/conceal evidence.
4 Theatrics of solicitors and barristers in the courtroom can condemn innocent people.
5. Judges can be opinionated and biased to the detriment of the accused.
6. Juries are susceptible to misdirection by judges, expert witnesses, and barristers.
7. Juries can be subject to every prejudice imaginable and are generally clueless about what is happening in the courtroom.
8. Accused are at the mercy of expert witnesses. Both the defence and prosecution expert witnesses will have impeccable academic qualifications and proven experience in the field. Moreover, both will be diametrically opposed to one another.
9. Expert Witnesses never witness anything; they are giving their expert 'Opinion' on matters before the court rather than factual evidence.
10. The prosecution is legally obliged to disclose details of all the evidence and provide full access to it before trial. This, too frequently, does not happen. (An ever-increasing number of complaints to the European Court of Human Rights under article 6, 'non-disclosure, have been upheld.).
11. Once convicted, no matter how clear it becomes that the conviction was wrong, the Criminal Justice System will do everything in its power to prevent that conviction from being overturned.