Tuesday, July 31st, 2001.
Comment by Tom Watkins.

Leave to appeal was granted on Wednesday 24th July, 2001 this then led straight into the appeal hearing on the same day, continuing into the next day. Judgement was given on the following Tuesday 31st July.

This was another appalling decision by the Court of Appeal but at least some progress has been made. Instead of claiming she shook him violently with the force equal to a drop from a first floor window or a bad car accident, this has now been reduced to ‘a little bit.’ I wonder whether if we keep shouting SHE DID NOT SHAKE HIM AT ALL this might eventually sink in. The judges virtually ignored the new evidence given by a neuropathologist that the haemorrhage could have started 24 hours before, preferring instead to claim as she did not summon help this was evidence of wrong doing. Well the time she spent on the phone to the cottage hospital which was criticised was to enquire about a fellow member of the Lions charity support group she belonged to who had been seriously ill. She had already visited and helped this person before, AS SHE HAD ALSO HELPED OTHERS. Judges though would not know anything about personally helping and caring for people, would they? What an absolutely terrible justice system this country has, it is a fob to those superior beings who get pleasure from feelings of hate, spite and vengeance aimed not only at their victim but that person’s family.

Even the reduction in sentence from life to seven years demonstrates the enormous spite still involved, before the original trial she was told twice that if she would plead guilty she would get 4 years. She could have been free before now, it took enormous bravery to stand up to their pressure.

Parts of the media again have gone on and on and on that she was a prostitute. Well, prostitution is not a criminal act, it is a social misdemeanour (and the subject of much hypocrisy) and all this took place OVER 20 YEARS AGO (last conviction 1978) when she was a teenager. Also involved was a man then over 40 years old, convicted of living off her earnings he was also the cause of their first child being taken into care and the one conviction for shoplifting. The media seem to have amnesia about this and give her no credit for her rebuilding her life after this early period. They seem to think that filth and venom is the only way to sell newspapers. I wonder just how many people have this attitude and serve as jurors.

The most probable reason for the death of baby Joe is natural causes, a congenital defect. Zealots would have us believe they know different when it is obvious they do not. Helen Stacey is innocent and that is clear to anyone who really gets to know her and is willing to study the evidence.

Misdiagnosis is not uncommon. An example of this was plain to me during the year 2000. A marketing manager that I did business with had been complaining of headaches for some months. Around July an operation was done on his sinuses. In September I got a call from his superior to ask if I had work underway for him as he had been rushed into hospital. He was dead one week later from an aneurysm, a haemorrhage of the brain.

