Justice denied and a system that is fundamentally flawed causes concern.
By Karen Lesley Clark-Stapleton.


The essence of justice is being undermined through policy changes that will destroy impartial judicial process. Recent changes allowing retired police officers, civilian police staff, their spouses and also serving special constables has enabled all these types of persons to be recruited actively as magistrates. A recent advert openly recruiting them was seen in NARPO August 2003. This is appalling and undermines the essence of impartiality that should be shown within our courts.


To be judged by someone who openly associates either through an association for retired police officers or a fellow Mason is fundamentally wrong. It allows for active corruption from within the bench and being directed against any defendant. When one considers that only recently was it admitted that police officers are institutionally racist, and when one considers that it is imperative for any defendant to be judged with the utmost integrity and impartiality then, this beggars belief.


Police officers are not renowned for their honesty or their integrity and all will have performed some mistaken belief for a fellow colleague at some stage in their careers. This will create more anomalies within the judicial process at a time when it is hoped to alleviate sentence discrepancies which currently cause concern for most working or indeed entering the criminal justice system. One could use the analogy that it is like being judged by the Klu-Klux Klan if you are a black defendant or even having the same trial standing as those in Guantanemo bay........






