Bob Woffinden, The Guardian, Thursday December 19, 2002,3605,86 2421,00.html


Blunkett payout for abuse libel pair

"If you know you are innocent you just keep battling on until someone listens. There is nothing else you can do." Christopher Lillie

The home secretary, David Blunkett, has agreed to pay compensation to Dawn Reed and Christopher Lillie, the former nursery nurses who won a libel case after being falsely accused of child abuse.

Mr Blunkett has exonerated the pair of criminal charges based on facts arising from a case in the civil courts. Lawyers have also pointed out that the decision to accept the pair's claim has been reached, for the Home Office, with exceptional speed.

Ms Reed, 31, and Mr Lillie, 38, were originally charged with child abuse at Shieldfield nursery in central Newcastle in 1993, but were acquitted the following year after the crown offered no evidence against them.

Tony Flynn, then the acting leader of Newcastle city council, repudiated the verdict, and the council set up an inquiry. The report, published in November 1998, found Ms Reed and Mr Lillie guilty of serious sexual and physical abuse of children in their care.

The pair then brought an action for defamation against the council and the four authors of the report, Richard Barker, Judith Jones and Roy Wardell, who had backgrounds in social work, and Jacqui Saradjian, a clinical psychologist.

At the end of the six-month libel trial in July, Mr Justice Eady found that the report was
"malicious" and that the authors had made "a number of fundamental claims which they must have known to be untrue."

The judge concluded that "[Reed and Lillie] are entitled to be vindicated and recognised as innocent citizens who should be untouched by the stigma of child abuse." He awarded them each 200,000 pounds in damages, the
maximum possible, saying that "In view of what they have been through since November 1998, it is hardly excessive by anyone's standards." Ms Reed and Mr Lillie will now be compensated through the Home Office ex gratia scheme for the distress and suffering caused by the unfounded allegations from 1993-98. The payment is for wrongful imprisonment - Mr Lillie was in jail for 10 months and Ms Reed for 14 weeks - and for being wrongfully charged.

Since the end of the libel case, which cost Newcastle city council an estimated 5 million pounds, Ms Reed and Mr Lillie have had their names removed from lists held by the Department of Health and the Department of Education of people deemed unsuitable for employment with children. The council has apologised to them and produced a report on lessons to be learned from the judgment.

The paediatrician at the centre of the case,
Camille de san Lazaro, whose diagnoses of abuse in young children were critical in the Shieldfield case, has been suspended and is under investigation by the General Medical Council after a complaint against her by Ms Reed's and Mr Lillie's lawyers.

Mr Justice Eady criticised Dr Lazaro for "throwing objectivity and scientific rigour to the winds in a highly emotional misrepresentation of the facts."

The four authors of the report, who were paid over 350,000 pounds between them, have resisted local media pressure to return the money.

Ms Reed and Mr Lillie said in a statement: "We felt completely vindicated by Mr Justice Eady's judgment in July, and we are now delighted that the home secretary has recognised our complete innocence."

Lawrence Kormornick, who acts for Reed and Lillie in the Home Office claim, said: "My clients have suffered irreparable damage and their lives will never be the same. I shall now be asking the home secretary to make an interim payment."

The final amount of compensation will be determined by the independent assessor, Lord Brennan QC, next year.