Has Racism Improved within the Police Service.
By Karen Lesley Clark-Stapleton.

There are various conflicting political mythologies about policing which have bedevilled debate. The 'law and order myth' suggests an image of the police as being an effective element for the fighting of crime and of preventing crime. It also stresses that police power is the panacea for the enforcement of law.


This is all well and good, however policing is much more than this. It is the empowerment of a group within society that allows for them to commit acts which one could argue gives them absolute power to corrupt, if through that particular culture they abuse a system that places them above the law. The police service do not form part of the economics of society, they do not manufacture or construct, they merely control. The role of the police is simply controlling through fear. I say fear, as too many within society actually do fear the knock on the door from the police, they do fear the presence of the police in their homes and yes, they do fear that THEY will be arrested and accused of committing or attempting to commit a crime. Strong words I hear you say, well not really, the evidence is clear and extremely valid, and my research into policing the future revealed it is totally breathtaking.


Volunteers from all 43 forces within England and Wales took part in the paper and I asked them to be totally honest and answer as they wanted too, not as they had been told too. I did not inform them that I was once a serving member of the police service as I thought this may result in some answers being cynical. If we look at the arrest and the detaining of a member of the public, it is necessary to address and observe all of the actions which brought about the commissioning of that arrest. This information is vital, here is usually where conflicting evidence is first seen from all sides.


It becomes imperative to gather evidence that will prove either guilt or innocence. Some reading this will immediately pick-up on the fact I mentioned guilt before innocence in my aforementioned statement, well that was intentional. It is a myth to believe that one is presumed innocent until proven otherwise. The police are not in the slightest interested if you did or did not commit the alleged criminal act they have arrested you for, that is not their remit. They merely seek to control crime by effective figure management. If they stop and search one hundred people they will find some items upon a person that would justify the initial illegal action, and it would be fair to say that until Macpherson the police were literally creating crime through illegality and getting away with it due to the inefficient and sometimes inept legal representation the alleged offender received at the police station.


Due to cop culture which legitimises actions the police use to abuse the system of judicial process, they are able to create the illusion of guilt to the crown prosecution service whom are supposed to be an independent body of qualified persons who assess the legality of a charge. The police admission that the black community was being discriminated against by officers who saw them as easy pickings was the perfect opportunity for the CPS to come clean and state they too had failed the black community, but the crown prosecution service failed to even make a comment on the cases that prior to Macpherson had been judged and tried.


In doing so they lost in my opinion complete credibility, because if cases had been tried, and indeed persons had been convicted, then the conviction was unsafe due to in many cases the initial illegal act committed by illegal stop and search. This would place the CPS in jeopardy of collapse due to the permitting of criminal activity by police officers throughout all 43 forces. To date they still have not made any suggestion that some people within our community have been and still are being convicted on grounds of illegality by arresting officers. The Crown Prosecution Service are not the independent body the public believe. They are a body of perons who read files the police construct in order to hold a person to account.


By the very nature of control the police can and do recommend the action they would like to see when committing these files for perusal. The issue of independence is only really aired when a case collapses as with the trial of Paul Burrell and subsequently another royal butler. However this has been an issue within criminal justice for many years. All too often the CPS perpetuate criminality within the police service by failure to read files in the initial process of disclosure. Many cases are fundamentally flawed and should not be tried, yet due to lack of government funding the CPS is constantly stretching itself and is in real danger of imploding with its burgeoning caseload.


Some may argue that the burgeoning caseload is due to the oppressive nature of policing in the 21st century and to some degree this is correct, but others will argue that the burgeoning caseload is simply due to ineptness on the side of the CPS which cannot seem to separate itself from the police service and its corrupt and cop culture habits. Lets be honest old habits are hard to kick and whilst we continue to allow police officers to commit acts of illegality in order to establish someone's guilt then miscarriages of justice will happen.

Many police officers do not see themselves as racist, which is in complete contrast to the voices of senior officers. Evidence is clear , some officers are indeed racist just as they are mysogenic and bigoted, after all they are drawn from the very society they are policing. What is not clear though is how deep rooted the issues of racism affects the ability to police, and why are the police service still not listening to the ethnic communities they have discriminated against for so long. I came into contact with one officer from Merseyside Police whose 'off the record' comments astounded me. His display of extreme right wing rhetoric was appalling and would indeed affect his ability to police the ethnic communities within which he would come into contact with.


"I won't salute a nigger" was one such phrase I overheard. His colleagues laughed as some commented "I'd fucking resign first." Incidentally he was promoted to sergeant shortly afterwards and is currently serving at a Wirral Station. I discovered that many police officers still hold such views and believe that the Black community are responsible for an increase in street robberies and drug dealing. I also came into contact with an officer from the Metropolitan Police force whose job is to travel the country promoting racial diversity within the service, yet he fully admitted to hating Jews since he was a child and having a pathological hatred of "Pig eating Christians".


He saw Asians as "fucking corrupt". What was more surprising is in fact he is not white but the son of Afghanistani refugees who came to Britain. They have since returned to Pakistan and have not spoken to him because he married a Christian woman of whom he says he cannot stand the fucking sight of. With such levels of hatred within the service still apparent, it is hardly surprising that many communities have not seen any improvement in attitudes from police officers, and this can only have a detrimental effect upon society and cohesion between the police and its public. Unfortunately the CPS perpetuate this mistrust as they cannot seem to accept that they need to be seen as acting totally and absolutely independently of a Police service that is currently failing all communities greatly.






