By John Fryer


A child known to react badly to vaccines is given a vaccine and then dies. The family spent three years getting reports and filing for death from vaccines to be admitted. In a recent ruling the verdict was death from natural causes. How do you die from natural causes at the grand old age of 18 months? The family would get huge sums of money and it is easy to argue that with a child dead the money would be tainted or some such thing but even if you allow that this is unfortunate there are millions of others getting the same raw deal and they are not all dead.


In the USA there are 12 million children today with permanent long term health problems from autism, diabetes, cancer, asthma, skin problems, and learning difficulties. The USA has the most extensive system of compulsory injections in the world with a schedule of 69 vaccines for the infant. Sometimes as many as ten may be given at any one time if the parents miss out and the authorities catch up with them.


In England George Fisher had just one injection with three components in it and died within a month of the injection. Justice for him means justice for millions yet to be born. Justice denied means another 12 million maimed and dead children in one country alone. Miscarriage of Justice affects everyone if we do nothing about it.


MMR Vaccine Played No Part In Baby's Sudden Death, Coroner Says.
See this article in The Guardian on line

The MMR vaccine played no part in the death of a baby 10 days after getting the jab, a coroner ruled today. George Fisher, aged 18 months, was discovered dead in his cot in
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, by his mother, Sarah Fisher, hours after he was heard "chatting away on the baby monitor". Fisher, 42, and her husband Christopher, 43, believe the vaccine is "implicated" in their son's death in January 2006. They said no one had explained to them the temperature-raising effect of the jab on children who had previously suffered a fit, as George had.


But the Gloucestershire coroner Alan Crickmore decided that George's symptoms had emerged too soon after receiving the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) jab to be related to it. Although George had a 2% chance of suffering a convulsion after the jab, those were not known to be fatal and there was no evidence he had even had a second fit.

The coroner recorded a verdict of natural causes, ruling that George had died from a rare condition known as Sudden Unexpected Death in Childhood, due to an unascertained disease. The verdict came after doctors, paediatricians and consultants told the hearing at Gloucester shire hall there was no evidence of a link between George's death and the jab.

Department of Health guidelines say the jab should be given "with caution" but does not ban child sufferers of febrile convulsions - fever fits - from taking it and recommends monitoring temperatures. After the hearing the family's lawyer, Judith Leach, said George's parents were "extremely disappointed" with the verdict and would always believe MMR was to blame as no other cause had been found.

She read a statement saying: "The family are extremely disappointed in the verdict. In the absence of any medical evidence to explain why their healthy little boy died and given the timing of the MMR vaccination in relation to George's death, his parents firmly believe there is a link between the two events and that the MMR vaccine had a role to play in George's death."

Sarah Fisher, standing outside court with her husband, said: "I think it's so wrong to put the death of a healthy little boy down to natural causes. There's nothing natural about an 18-month-old boy dying of nothing, because that's what it was - nothing. "This has devastated our family all over again. Three years of work and reports and it's just natural causes? I'll never, ever understand that word."

Ten years ago research led by Dr Andrew Wakefield, who is under investigation by the General Medical Council, sparked fears that the combined MMR vaccine was linked to autism. Major studies in Britain, Finland and Japan have since disproved the connection but popular anxiety persists. Last week it emerged that cases of measles had topped 1,000 for the first time in more than a decade, which public health experts blamed on the "relatively low" uptake of the MMR vaccine. © Guardian News and Media Limited 2008


Note to immunize against measles you do not have to use MMR, a single vaccine used to be used. My wife was allergic to most antibiotics, her temperature would rocket and she would come out in a rash, she was terrified as each time it had happened the reaction was worse. I remember her coming home after visiting a doctor in tears, the idiot had said he did not believe in such nonsense when she mentioned it. Her comment was, “they will kill me yet”.


She died of cancer in 1989. Ed.