As Eddie's case was being prepared for submission to the European Court his previous solicitor who prepared his trial was sent to prison. On the 4th of May 2001 David Moore appeared before Liverpool Crown Court charged with offences of dishonesty involving the misappropriation of nearly £70,000 of clients money. He admitted six charges of theft, four of false accounting and one of forgery. He also asked for 28 other offences of false accounting to be taken into consideration. Amongst other things he stole £6,250 compensation, which should have been paid to a 14-year-old boy and £10,500 from a 68-year-old woman. He was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment.

When we tried to make a complaint about Mr Moore to the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors about the inadequacies in the preparation of Eddie's defence at trial, they refused to take any discipline action against him because he was said to be sick. He is obviously well enough to be sent to prison so how can the OSS say he was too sick to face disciplinary action over the way he failed Eddie Gilfoyle?

Eddie has finally done it and changed his name by deed poll. Eddie's previous full name was Norman Edward Gilfoyle. His legal new name is Innocent Norman Edward Gilfoyle. Please ensure that all mail sent to Eddie is addressed to include the name Innocent otherwise the prison authorities may not deliver his mail. They already have a bee in their bonnet because all of Eddie's prison records will need to be changed to accommodate his new name. We cannot wait for the day when Eddie next appears at the Court of Appeal and will have to be announced as Innocent Eddie Gilfoyle.

Please note that the campaign address has now changed. All future mail should be addressed as follows: Susan Caddick, PO Box 1845, Stoke On Trent, ST7 4EG. Our contact telephone number has also changed to: 0781 501 2372. Please amend your mail and telephone records accordingly.

MANY THANKS for your recent contributions to the campaign. Many of you were kind enough to make a commitment by direct debit. We have been overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. It truly gives us the strength and fortitude to carry on fighting the establishment to secure the release of Eddie. Direct debit forms can be requested from the campaign address or email

You can help by affiliating your group or organisation to the Eddie Gilfoyle Campaign (affiliation fee £10.00).