Patty’s Baby (A trade in children here in England)
Story supplied by a friend of theirs in the USA.

Patty is an American woman married to an Englishman and living in England.

When little Sarah was born on May 7th 1998 she was taken from Patty in the delivery room by Social Services in England and one year later (March 1999) is in the course of being adopted by others, against the wishes of Patty, her husband and their families in both the USA and UK.

Patty’s problems date back to an earlier marriage in America, the break-up of that marriage around five years ago, and her involvement in a bitter child custody battle with her former husband. In order to gain custody of their nine year old boy, he eventually made an accusation of MSbP against his wife.

MSbP stands for Munchausen Syndrome by proxy. This is a theory by some in the medical profession that some mothers harm their child, in order to gain attention and sympathy for themselves. This theory now leads to excellent and innocent people having their children removed from them on the fears and suspicions of risk, of whatever harm some person or professional wants to claim.

Her former husband combined with a doctor not certified in Paediatrics and a relentless, vindictive prosecutor who used a faulty lab test to get Patty convicted on a misdemeanour charge. They were helped by a Californian psychiatrist who has never ever met Patty, even to this very day. The hatred of these people has even followed Patty to the UK.

Patty’s English husband Clive, met Patty during the period while she was waiting for the results of an appeal. Clive had been researching MSbP for some years, objectively and carefully showing that its very concept is questionable. He had determined that the major missing voice was that of the accused mothers and had gone to the USA to get subjects for his PhD research. There he met Patty who helped him locate other mothers, who had been cleared of similar charges and were willing to be interviewed.

Clive is a gentle man, extremely bright and careful about what he says and writes. A graduate in social work and an instructor in the field himself, the son of a retired social worker and a policeman. In the present climate he knew at best that his research would be viewed askance but he never dreamed that this would lead to the removal of his only child as soon as she was born.

For a while it appeared that Clive might be acceptable if Patty and he separated but after many months and the ‘closed door hearings’ were over, Clive himself had been trashed in every way possible. No matter what Patty was willing to do to earn the right for Sarah to at least have her father (even giving up her husband), was not allowable.

Social Services even refused to assess Clive’s retired social worker/policeman parents as carers because they refused to agree with the local authority that Sarah was a candidate for adoption by strangers, before she was even born.

Patty has one other child older than the nine year old (who is now aged fourteen). He lives with her mother and father in Oregon. I’m told that her father is the best person to describe the scheming that resulted in the misdemeanour conviction in California and the anger of the prosecutor, who wanted Patty convicted of a felony, and whose spite and the willing connivance by Britons, has now led to terrible injustice here in England.

Note: Clive was granted his PhD in May 2000, the subject of his thesis being False Allegations of Munchhausen's Syndrome by Proxy.