Policeman Jailed


This story was published in the Sunday Times on May 27, 2000. On the face of it justice eventually was done and matters put right. One policeman was dishonest and spiteful but two good men told the truth. However there are observations to be made.


The dishonest man had the chance to cancel his actions but did not. Had he got away with stitching people up before? At 56 years old he was no rookie. The Judge excuses his behaviour by saying that there was no criticism of his work before and his appearance in court was a tragedy.

The judge also said, "it may be that the lady was exceeding the speed limit." What right has he to make this assumption? It is remarks like this that get too many innocent people convicted because "they may have done it". How dare he question her innocence when SHE had not been proved to be in the wrong. British justice really is bent.


PC is jailed over false ticket

A POLICEMAN who wrongly booked a woman motorist for speeding has been jailed for four months.

PC Roger Blench gave Jennifer Buttress-Grace a ticket even though he knew the laser gun he was using was not working because his shift had ended and the battery had been removed.

Winchester Crown Court was told that the woman's Renault Clio was stopped by Blench as it approached the speed check area in Horndean, Hants, simply because he believed she was driving too fast in a 30mph zone.

Blench, 56, who has since retired from the police force, issued her with the ticket. He later had chances to cancel it but pursued the action. This resulted in the woman paying a £40 fine and having points put on her licence. However Blench, of Waterlooville, Hants, was caught out when the two officers with him reported what had happened.

Blench, a traffic officer in Portsmouth, Hants, was convicted of perverting the course of justice. He had denied the charge.

Jailing Blench, Mr Justice Smedley said that until the incident there had been no criticism of his work and his appearance in court was a "tragedy".

"It may well be that the lady was exceeding the speed limit but she, like all members of the public, are entitled to be dealt with honestly and by honest policemen," he said.


Posted: July 2000





