A sequel to the BBC Panorama programme "Finger of Suspicion."


Errors put wrong men in jail, says fingerprint specialist
By Marcello Mega and Rajeev Syal, Electronic Telegraph, (Filed: 26/08/2001)

BRITAIN'S leading fingerprint scientist has resigned from the Metropolitan Police in order to testify in court against what he believes is flimsy forensic evidence that has led to unsafe convictions. In an exclusive interview with The Telegraph, Allan Bayle, a former detective whose evidence helped to convict the Lockerbie bomber, has alleged that dozens of innocent men are in jail because of poorly recorded fingerprints.

Mr Bayle, 55, left the police in June after a career spanning 25 years. He is now preparing to give evidence on behalf of a businessman who is currently serving 30 months for burglary. From his home in north London, he said last week: I wanted to end my days in the police force but I have to speak out. Officers are not being properly trained and are not recording the evidence properly. There are
innocent people in jail now because of these mistakes."

Mr Bayle will give evidence in the appeal case later this year of Alan McNamara, who was imprisoned on the evidence of a fingerprint. "I was not allowed to take the stand for the defence when I was in the force, and the only way I could give evidence was to leave," he said. During Mr Bayle's police career he taught for three years at Hendon, the training college used by forensic science officers from across the country. He has also written part of the manual currently used by officers who specialise in fingerprint evidence.

He believes, however, that fingerprint evidence taken by many forces is poorly recorded and logged - and is leading to wrongful convictions. "Officers who have not been given enough training are left to record evidence
which sends men to prison for decades. Every 10th of a millimetre, every speck of dust and the exact position of every print on every object is crucial. One simple mistake and an innocent man can go to jail," he said.

Mr Bayle's resignation in June was prompted by a telephone call from the solicitor representing McNamara, a Bolton store owner, who was accused of breaking into a house and stealing goods worth £33,000. The solicitor believed that the Manchester police force had made a mistake in its fingerprint evidence. The solicitor also pointed out the lack of motive: McNamara, who made a net profit of £100,000 a year from his discount retail business, had assets worth £500,000, a wife and a comfortable life. Why would he burgle a house in Rochdale?

Mr Bayle examined the Crown's evidence, gathered by Manchester police. His suspicions were aroused by the only print connecting McNamara to the scene of the crime, which was taken from a wooden jewellery box. "I looked at it and realised that there was no grain on the print." He added: "How could it have come from a wooden box? In fact it was so smooth and spread out that it must have come from a flat surface, like a vase. I then found out what he did and realised that he sells hundreds of vases every year. The case seemed completely implausible."

Mr Bayle directed McNamara's lawyer to Scotland Yard in order to establish the terms by which he could act for McNamara.
Scotland Yard refused to allow Mr Bayle to speak out on the case or provide expert witness for McNamara's case. His superiors argued that he should not provide evidence against another force. Mr Bayle's decision to leave was made even more difficult because he and his wife are expecting their first child in October.

He said: "It did leave us in a precarious position, but it was the right thing to do. I have had doubts about many cases, but now I realise that there has been a slow degradation of standards within the force, and now men are being put into prison on less convincing forensic evidence." He resigned in a letter to David Blunkett, the Home Secretary, appalled at the procedures of police forces.

McNamara was imprisoned in June after Crown experts argued that if the wooden surface on the jewellery box was clogged up, the grain would not come through. Mr Bayle provided information for a Panorama television programme about McNamara' case in July and his case has been taken forward by the BBC's Rough Justice.

A spokesman for Scotland Yard confirmed Mr Bayle's resignation but added that there had been no formal complaint about forensic science procedures. He said: "We can confirm that the Met received a resignation letter from a former employee. We had no formal complaint in connection with this matter."


Posted November 2001