The Alexander Story:
Posted by Penny on Tuesday, 23 February 1999, at 2:45 p.m


The story behind the "missing child and grandmother"


On the first of February 1999 a 60 year old grandmother and her 9 year old granddaughter Natasha disappeared from their home in Sunderland. 3 weeks later the police are no nearer to finding them. Not only that because there are care proceedings in which the brother of Natasha was taken into care under a false allegation of MSBP by Dr D. Southall and Dr M Lowry ( currently under investigation with the GMC reference Sunderland Post) Judge Sumner (yes that judge again) has gagged everyone in order that the public do not know the circumstances behind their disappearance. My injunction ran out on Friday the 19th of February at 4 P.M. Yes he gagged me again!!! I wonder why....

Question: How are they going to find the missing family members if nobody knows that they are missing? Why have they gagged? A missing child and they prevent the public from knowing? It speaks for itself doesn't it. They gagged the Lawrence report because they do not want us to know so I have to fill you all in.

I have seen all the medical notes relating to the child that has been taken into care. I have nurses notes that state that they have witnessed epileptic fits in hospital. I have seen reports that show the child has asthma. I have seen the numerous diagnoses of autism. I have seen the result of the abnormal CAT scan showing an enlarged left ventricle in the brain. The child has some form of brain damage. Yet Professor David Southall and Dr Lowry have both stated that this is MSBP and that there is NOTHING wrong with this child. Interestingly this allegation arose after the mother started litigating against Sunderland Hospital for the overdosing of pethidine and the subsequent loss of control in the bowels of the child that has been taken.

Since the child's time in care he has been abused. I have had to contact the police and the NSPCC on numerous occasions to get them to investigate unexplained bruising, some of which was on the inner thighs and was put down to a Nintendo pad.......really? the police were so concerned that they took him to the hospital to be checked. He is also barricaded into the upstairs of the home he is in at night. Child abuse.

They then went for Natasha, before that could happen though the grandmother ran with her to protect her from the same fate as her brother. During all of this Southall and Lowry also started to investigate the deaths 32 years ago of 3 of the grandmothers other children. They died in hospital without her being present from cystic fibrosis. They are accusing her of being MSBP. The father is a serving naval engineer working in a Nuclear base, they are accusing him of MSBP, the big one here I think now, all the family members being accused and the grandmother having the very painful deaths of her three other children dragged up again and being accused of murder.

The grandmother Ellen has gone into hiding to protect her grandchild, she felt she had no choice, so terrified is she that Natasha is going to be hurt and abused in the same way her grandson has that she was prepared to go these lengths. We do not know where they are, if they are OK, if they need money or support, if they have a roof over their heads. The local authority with a little help from a friendly judge has ensured that nobody finds out what is going on. The newspaper in Sunderland have compared it to Cleveland, I tell you that it is worse than that. This is corruption that goes right to the top.

Southall is currently being investigated by the GMC on the Hypoxia and CNEP studies as well as false allegations of MSbP and other related research. I spoke to the Baroness Hayman enquiry team yesterday at length about the the sorts of things these doctors have been up to. Included in that is the demand that Southall et al are prosecuted in relation to the police statement in which they sat and watched a child being abused for three and a half hours and did not intervene until the child had suffered serious injuries. That is child abuse, they should go to prison for that. WHERE WAS THEIR DUTY OF CARE TO THAT CHILD? They are doctors. They had no right to allow that to happen. And now because it was all covered up and they were allowed to continue we have this situation where we have a desperate pensioner running and hiding in much the same way as the Jews did during World War 2.

The police's idea of looking for them has been to date to raid the houses of other mothers that Southall has accused, at night when they have sick children in bed asleep. All these mothers have been cleared of the MSBP. Where did they get the information from all these police forces? Private medical information...... Shall I issue all the MSBP mothers with the Star Of David bands now? Is this a fascist state? Why the MSBP mums? What is going on in Great Britain? Is this Salem?

Just as a final sad note. Natasha is 10 years old tomorrow. She can't be home for her birthday, she can't see her mother for her birthday. The price of coming home is too high. The price she will have to pay is to be incarcerated in a home like her brother. Happy birthday Natasha wherever you are. I hope that your day will be filled with the support of all of those fighting to expose this in order that you can be reunited with ALL of your family.