Subject: Staffordshire Police and David Southall
Wednesday, 12 July 2000

Dear Mr Gregory,

I do believe that our paths have crossed before in relation to allegations of collusion between David Southall and Senior Social Worker Martin Banks, I actually find all this a bit disconcerting that allegations I have been making over a very long period of time about Southall, police and social services and collusion, all seem to fall in the one lap. Is it not contravening regulations to undertake this type of self-investigation?

To the matter in hand; My children were originally questioned by DS Durbar on February 5th 1999, this took place in my sitting room whilst I was voluntarily making a statement to another female police officer from the child protection team in the kitchen. In the sitting room were my twin girls then aged 8 and my other two daughters Olivia and Rebecca aged 5 and four, the idea was that DS Durbar would keep the children occupied in order to speed up the process of me making this VOLUNTARY statement.

Interestingly the day before I had been at Staffordshire Police HQ with DI Noden and DS Durbar to submit evidence of police collusion and the unauthorised use of CVS at North Staffordshire Hospital and making allegations that a child was allowed to be assaulted under CVS on many occasions without intervention by the four doctors watching the unauthorised covert taping. I had asked DI Noden on Thursday 4th Feb to immediately instigate a full police investigation into what I deemed to be criminal negligence resulting in serious harm being inflicted upon an innocent baby in the name of research.

The evidence I had was a police witness statement made by David Southall in September 1992. This document had a confidentiality order put on it back in 1996, I don't suppose it was ever supposed to surface in the public domain. I wonder now how much this had a bearing on the way in which I have been treated given Noden's involvement with Southall. However back to my complaint, whilst I was giving my statement DS Durbar returned into my kitchen and stated "it's amazing what children tell you when you ask them questions" I looked up and stared hard at him, he went bright red and said "only joking" I actually at that point thought it was a veiled threat, as in "your children have told me the truth, I hope that you have told the truth" not for one minute did it cross my mind that a child protection officer would do what he did.

The statement was finished and I subsequently let the officers out of my home and it was at that point that my children, all crying babbled out that the policeman had been asking them lots of questions about Natasha Alexander and when they had become uncomfortable he had prevented them from coming to see me. My daughter Charlotte was quite hysterical as he had physically prevented her from coming to see me. This all took place BEFORE I was arrested and charged.

Then some months later in April I think I was arrested and 6 police officers entered my home and whilst I was away from my children, getting dressed I think, yet again they were questioned without my knowledge or consent by Staffordshire Child Protection. Now I have to ask that as the child who had been missing was in the care of Sunderland LA by this point, what was Staffs child protection doing in my house at all? This was now purely and simply a CID matter, my children weren't at risk - well not from myself anyway. Then some time later again I was arrested again, this time by uniform however the warrant was signed off by DS Bufton again child protection.

Then we have the horrendous situation in which after I first made a police statement, prior to my arrest parent's houses began to be raided by police officers from around the UK. Mothers who had been accused of MSbP who had no knowledge of the family of the missing child all had their premises searched. Based on what evidence? From whom? The only person that had all the names and addresses of parents was their accuser David Southall, so in essence David Southall picked up a telephone and subsequently made allegations with no evidence and as a direct result mothers who had already been victimised once, were revisited on the instigation of a doctor who had his cohorts in Staffordshire Police Child Protection to obey his every wish. This is an utter disgrace and I want immediate action taken.

I will be copying this letter to various official bodies.

Penny Mellor