Thursday, 10 January 2002


Court Manager Newcastle

Dear Sir,

I am writing in response to the application for a directions hearing to be heard on the 17th Jan 2002 at Newcastle Crown Court. Due to the short notice of this application it will be impossible for me to attend given the distance I have to travel and the fact that I am still breast feeding my four month old baby, let alone sorting out child care for the other children, the relatives who will be looking after the children in Feb are currently in New Zealand, having taken their annual holiday early in order that they are available. However should this directions hearing go ahead I wish for the following to be raised as serious concerns.

1) Derogatory comments publicly made by Judge Whitburn about me ("Ms Mellor is a dangerous eccentric" now recorded in the court of appeal) personally leave me with no alternative than to ask that he excuse himself from this case if it is to continue. Should the case continue and Justice Whitburn remains as the trial judge I will have no alternative but to let the jury know immediately that he has expressed a personal dislike of me and that his summing up of the case should be weighed very carefully against his obvious bias.

2) Stuart Carnie and the admissibility of his evidence. If Mr Carnie is not available for me to cross examine about certain aspects of his evidence, particularly telephone call contents how can I have a fair trial?

3) Guardian Newspaper attributing incorrect comments to myself about the judiciary, again prejudicing the hearing.

4) Abuse of process: Original argument written by Mr M Harries. I could easily have been tried at the same time as the other defendants; all preparations had been made for the care of my children and maternity care. His Honour without good reason and contrary to my objections refused to allow me to continue. Now I am expected to be separated from my baby son, whom I breastfeed, which will now have to stop then there is the distance from my home is such that he will be deprived of his mother 5 days a week as will my other children, yet again I have had to explain the case to them and what is happening, being quite young they are unable to comprehend why I have to go away again for the same thing that I went away for 7 months previously. If my pregnancy was such a problem in June, why wasn't I severed sooner? To postpone this trial further would also be a travesty, I propose that the case is transferred to either Wolverhampton or Stafford to be heard.

Should this hearing go ahead I wish for the original list of witnesses to be called. In particular I wish for Professor David Southall to be witness summonsed as he was the person that provided the police with my name and the names of other parents who had just formalised complaints against him at North Staffs NHS Trust and to the GMC.

Please take note that I do NOT accept the Crowns chronological order of telephone billing. I will be going through every single telephone bill and identifying all telephone numbers called and their content during that period of time.

Professor Southall is before the GMC on the 16th and 17th Jan 2002, part of the complaints against him are allegations of perjury and attempts to pervert the course of justice and believe it or not conspiracy to abduct, this evidence has already been scrutinised once and has been substantiated with evidence sufficiently enough to go through to the next stage. I will be making applications to the court to introduce those complaints into court. Any judgement that has been made on the evidence of David Southall is in law nullified if perjury were proven, (Lazarus Est-V-Beasley) It is questionable whether or not the care order in respect of either Christopher or Natasha Alexander are even legally binding. No care order, no abduction, no abduction, no conspiracy.

This letter will be copied to:
Attorney General
Lord Chancellors Dept
Lord F Howe
Christopher Knox QC
Mark Harries

Penny Mellor






Tuesday, 15 January 2002



Dear Sir

As respondent in person can I request that this document is put before the court on January 17th 2002.

I would like to add to my original witness list and call the following:




I would also argue that if this case is to continue, given the adverse publicity I have received from the Guardian Newspaper, I would ask that the court lift reporting restrictions to allow me to set the record straight. I also believe that the original court order effectively gagging me is in breach of my Human Right to express myself and I shall be making representations to have this draconian ban lifted.

Thank you

Penny Mellor

Copied to:
Attorney General
Christopher Knox QC