Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 8:10 AM
Subject: Professor David Southall
Friday, 01 February 2002

Attention Lord Hunt of Kings Heath


Dear Lord Hunt


I am writing to you having had yet further conversations with N Staffs NHS Trust in relation to Professor David Southall and the investigation into his child protection and research work. The CNEP parents and I have no faith at all in the system any longer. I am deeply disturbed that the GMC failed to put Southall et al forward for possible disciplinary action for CNEP, not least of which because it flies in the face of the Griffith report, which after the Hey and Chalmers hatchet job now lies in tatters.


As to Southall himself, will somebody explain to me why the three "independent doctors" Debelle, Plobette and Miles who cleared Southall of any wrong doing at his trust, failed to declare that they have had involvement with Southall before. Debelle wrote an MSbP paper with Southall and is currently being investigated by West Mids Police in relation to a false allegation involving Roy Meadow and a SIDS/MSbP death. Miles was supposed to have addressed false allegations of MSbP being made by Southall back in '96 when doctor Geoff Kewley a paediatrician from Crawley wrote to her in her capacity as advisor to the RCPCH on child protection, raising concerns about Southall and his misdiagnosis of MSbP in one of his patients and she promised to investigate and never did, and Plobette was involved in sending the first ever CVS case to North Staffs!!!!!


More disturbing is the fact that whilst suspended and under direct orders (having already breached them once in the McGrath case which I alerted N Staffs to in summer 1999 which in turn resulted in a letter being sent to Southall on 10th Oct 1999 from Dr P Chipping ordering him not to get involved in ANY child protection work at all) Southall, having watched a Dispatches documentary on the Sally Clark case writes on North Staffordshire Note Headed Paper to the CPS in Warrington claiming that Stephen Clark is somehow involved in the deaths of his children.




Why did his Trust not sack him immediately when they were alerted? Why did the subsequent panel clear him? Had Southall not been suspended (something I fought long and hard for as you know), one wonders at the devastating consequences that this could have had, after all in my criminal case he was able to have the houses of many mothers raided including my own, just by making a telephone call, mothers who had been cleared of any child abuse but who had complained about him to the trust and the GMC, terrorising them all over again and if he had have been lucky and any involvement with me could have been proven, well they too would have faced false criminal charges, conveniently making them unreliable witnesses for the GMC.


Southall is a danger to patients, he cannot and will not take orders from either his superiors or his employers, he has displayed this arrogance not once but twice that we are aware of. I do believe that in the case of Stephen Clark that this was a deliberate attempt to pervert the course of justice and as such am sending this letter to the Chief Constable of Cheshire Police. I want to know who is going to prevent this doctor from doing any further harm. How many other cases has he interfered with? One thing that has been made very apparent through all of this is the fact that the judicial system from the police to the courts, are all too ready to swallow every word he says without so much as conducting one check into the validity of any allegations, such is the kudos and power he has attained over the years.


Well it was all only ever smoke and mirrors, what lies under the myth of David Southall is a dangerous and driven individual, who will stop at nothing to retain his position in society and has done everything and anything to achieve his sick goals. The damage already perpetuated by this man and some of his peers is incalculable. He should be suspended from the register as a matter of urgency.




Penny Mellor


Copied to:Lord F Howe
Chief Constable Cheshire Police
John Batt (solicitor Sally Clark)
Anthony Scrivener QC (Barrister Sion Jenkins)
Tony Blair MP
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