Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP)

Misdiagnosis of Syndrome By Paediatricians

Posted By somebody who cares On 03/08/99:
Author unknown

When I was first asked to help a mother accused of MSBP, I had very little idea what exactly I was getting into. However the school teacher who had contacted me was adamant that as she had taught this child and knew the family, that there was absolutely no substance to the allegations, it was based on that testimony that I started to help. I quickly came to the conclusion that, having been involved with cases of abuse for some years helping victims, that this bore no resemblance to any type of abuse that I had ever come across. I had heard of MSBP, but only in association with Beverly Allit and had dismissed it as some sort of psychiatric excuse to get a lesser sentence for what I considered to be child murder. My opinion on that has not changed.

I now have a need to put into writing what I feel about all of this. This need is being driven by the overwhelming sadness that I feel. It's very hard for me to put into words the sorts of feelings that I can go through in a 24 hour period: Anger-frustration-shock-disbelief-grief-laughter-hatred-love all these things that can switch in a minute. Sometimes the accused mothers whose children are away from them telephone me and remain silent, unable to talk, too devastated with what is happening to them and their children to be able to make a sound except for the silent sobs that I can just make out and then the line goes dead. I too remain silent, for I know that there are no words that I can say that will take their pain away.

Their pain has now become my pain. It clouds every hour of the day. I don't understand what can motivate the accusers to carry on with their relentless persecution despite evidence showing that they are wrong in their misguided diagnosis, to the point that children have died or have been rendered so medically damaged that the chance of any sort of normality for them is non existent and even then the system still protects the accusers to do it again. I don't understand what drives people to hurt other humans in this way. I don't understand why the children are being ripped from homes where they are cherished, to be put in a care system that fails to protect, or nurture.

The horror of what those children must be feeling, for me is unimaginable. I don't understand that despite so much evidence that crimes are being committed by the "system" in these cases, why nobody stops them. I don't understand what has happened to this world that I live in, where the powers that be place a higher priority on money and protecting their reputations and careers before the welfare of children. I am tired, disillusioned, heartbroken. Today baby Sarah's fate is signed. That beautiful child born to a mother and father filled with so much compassion for others that if I even dwell on what they have been put through, I can't breath it hurts so much. I can't bear the thought of what I would do if somebody did that to me, I would be a lesser person than Clive and Patty, I think I would have killed anyone who tried to take my child.

Funny isn't it one of the criteria for MSBP is having personality disorders, one of those being violent, if that is so, why are all these parents using the courts to get their children home the peaceful but unfortunately corrupt way? To everyone out there going through this nightmare, I am so sorry. I wish I could do more than I am, I wish I had a magic wand, but I don't, so the only promise I can keep to everyone is that I will fight until my dying breath to expose the terrible injustices that you have all been put through and it doesn't stop until it is all exposed for what it is....Child abuse by the "professions".