From: dare.tocare
To: Gregory, John R (CCS)

Cc: Manchester Police ; ; Howe Freddie ; ; HOME OFFICE ;
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 10:55 AM
Subject: Deputy Chief Constable Staffordshire Police David Swift

Dear Mr Gregory,

I am sending you by fax correspondence in relation to my complaint against David Swift. In a letter dated 18th August 1999 from Mr Swift to myself he states that there are only two complaints, this is incorrect, long before I was arrested on the 29th April, DS Durbar questioned and restrained my children without consent or authority, that was the original complaint, that has been totally ignored although he alludes to it on the last page under "(b) without giving the date.

Secondly in paragraph 4 he states "I note that during the interview you spoke on behalf of others who you claim to have personal knowledge or experience of wrong doing and whom you undertook to have contact us. None of the individuals have come forward and at your request we did not contact them" That is an out and out lie. Sharon Payne, Janet Davis and Nicky McCoombe all came forward and were told to go away by DS Bufton and had Mr Swift listened to the tapes of my interview with DI Denning and DS Bufton rather than read the transcript, he would have heard the exact opposite.

It was Staffordshire Police who stated they could NOT approach parents, not at my request, at their say so. I maintain that because of Mr Swifts failure to immediately instigate a thorough investigation into allegations of collusion between David Southall and Child Protection in both the police and social services, that I was arrested and charged in order to silence me, that my children were harrassed in order to silence me, that I was unlawfully held and subjected to police harassment in order to silence me and ultimately that the charges bought against me are a tool to prevent any internal investigation into police and social services involvement in the making of false allegations of MSbP with David Southall.

Repeatedly Staffordshire Police have refused to take evidence of perjury, perverting the course of justice, assault and in my opinion the manslaughter of babies during clinical trials at North Staffordshire hospital. The day I walked into Staffordshire Police Station and saw Staffordshire Child protection Officers, that date being 4th Feb 1999 long before I was implicated in anything in relation to what I am charged with, with a copy of a police statement made by David Southall in relation to a mother Donna Glover, who had been covertly videoed, a statement that had been buried with a confidentiality order by the High Courts, a statement that was never ever supposed to see the light of day, was the day that my fate was sealed, I had to be closed down, for statement is the evidence that police and social services covered up for doctors.

The breaking of Jordan Glovers arm in two places and the shaking of a baby during CVS without the intervention by four doctors despite being told that this particular surveillance was not sanctioned by social services because of the risk to the child, is the most damning piece of evidence against David Southall, it proves beyond a doubt that the safety of children has never been uppermost in his mind, it was all research and the end justified the means, over the years he had his own "personal" child protection team that were willing to go along with whatever he said and could actually never speak out against him, because in that one incident where Jordan was systematically abused over and over again without intervention, they had all implicated themselves.

David Swift could have conducted a thorough investigation he chose not to, therefore he is implicated, he has either lied to me in writing or allowed officers to lie to him without checking the facts and that is totally unacceptable, my children were abused by Staffordshire child protection and that is something I will not tolerate. David Southall, Martin Samuels, Carl Bose and John Hewertson are guilty of Criminal Negligence. Staffordshire child protection police officers are guilty of conspiring to pervert the course of justice and despite the best efforts of the police and David Southall, I will not remain silent about child abuse, no matter what is done to me, I will not remain silent.

Penny Mellor