Subject: Sent to all media
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002

Dear Sir/Madam

The Touche Inquest has opened the floodgates for many inquests to be undertaken to look at the circumstances surrounding death in hospitals. For the last two years an application has been before HM Coroner Mr J Wain, Stoke coroner for an inquest into the death of "Joshua" Brown, who is believed to have died on the 27th Jan 1992 having undergone experimental CNEP treatment without his mother's consent. Yesterday's result allows that inquest to go ahead after years of fighting to uncover the truth, for the notes of "Joshua" Brown show catastrophic neglect and serious concerns about whether the baby that was buried was indeed "Joshua".

Mrs Brown as yet has been unable to formalise any complaints to the GMC as the documentation has been needed for the coroner and is currently left out of the hearings against N Staffs Consultants (Prof D Southall et al on both MSbP and CNEP) that took place on 16th 17th of January. Carl and Debbie Henshall along with many other CNEP parents who have dead children, have now also approached HM Coroner in Stoke to request full inquests into the tragic deaths of so many babies, especially given that parents were not aware it was research and that the CNEP trial had already failed at Queen Charlotte's in London and horrifically killed other babies.

We are looking to get a ruling of at least death caused by neglect, we contend that death was caused by criminal medical negligence and will pursue with vigour calls for a public inquiry and for a full criminal investigation. I hope that the media of this country will finally rally behind the parents in Stoke who have tragically lost as many children that died in Bristol, but who have not been afforded the same recognition for those deaths. There again the Stoke parents on the whole are from council estates in an area that is poverty stricken and aren't able to be quite as eloquent nor as well dressed and reserved in their attempts to get justice!


Penny Mellor
Child Advocate and campaigner