This page contains all events for Satpal in the year 2000

Posted Saturday 16th December

      Satpal, said to let Y'all know he has been moved to HMP Blakenhurst for legal visits and should be there till the new year.

       He is on the wing on normal routine.

            His solicitor and some of the London Campaign, should have a meeting with Paul Boateng Misiter for Prisons, on Monday 18th December, to put some pressure on him.

      Any Snail mail for Satpal should be sent to;

Satpal Ram
HMP Blakenhurst
Hewell Lane
B97 6QS

E-mail to address below, will be snail mailed same day.

Posted Saturday 11th November 2000

Satpal rang the Campaign from Full Sutton on Friday night, (Friday 10th)


Still no announcement of decision....Still in segregation


Downing Street Delegation & National Picket: To Demand Satpal's Release

Thursday 16Th November 2000: 12.00pm - 4,00Pm

10 Downing Street, Whitehall, London

Delegation : Imran Khan (Lawrence Family solicitor), Mohinder Ram (Satpal‚s brother), Ramesh Ram (Satpal‚s nephew), Suresh Grover (Founder of the National Civil Rights Movement)

John McDonnell MP, Apache Indian, Iqbal Singh (Punjab Human Rights Group), Suhkdev Reel, Mark Thomas (Awaiting further confirmations of attendees)

Self Defence Is No Offence.

On 16th November 2000, the 14th anniversary of the attack on Satpal Ram ,a delegation of MP‚s, lawyers, musicians and other celebrities will join the family of Satpal Ram to hand in a letter and petition signed by thousands of people across the country calling for Satpal‚s immediate release. The Prime Minister‚s office at 10, Downing Street has agreed to meet the delegation. When asked why he and many others would be approaching Tony Blair personally, Apache Indian stated, I just cannot believe that he is still in prison ˆ for defending himself against racists all those years ago. How has this just carried on? Why is he still in there 14 years later? Don‚t be fooled today, racism is still there ˆ but it‚s far more subtle.‚

ON 16TH November 1986 Satpal Ram suffered a vicious unprovoked racist attack by a gang of 6 racists. As a result of Satpal defending himself, he was charged, sentenced and imprisoned for murder. The police investigation and the subsequent trial failed to meet international standards for a fair trial. The original tariff was set for 10 years by the courts ˆ subsequently increased by the then Home Secretary to 11 years. Retired Chief Justice, Lord Lane advised that this, amongst many other disturbing factors, was wrong because it amounted to political interference. A position he continues to reiterate, the respective roles of politicians should not extend to sentencing.‚ Sentencing should be left up to judges to make and not politicians. 14 years later Satpal remains inside a maximum security prison ˆ a prisoner held within a brutal and racist system. Now, after years of campaigning Satpal‚s case is finally being heard by the Parole Board and their decision is expected anytime.

On 16th November 2000, in numerous cities across the world, including San Francisco, Paris, Tokyo, Toronto and Rome letters will be handed into British Embassies and Consulates expressing concern at the continued imprisonment of Satpal Ram. The letters will be calling for his immediate release and an inquiry into the trial and his continued treatment within the prison system.

Satpal Ram‚s solicitor, Gareth Pierce (solicitor for the Birmingham 6 and Guildford 4) has also presented a dossier to the Criminal Cases Review Commission, arguing that his conviction was unsafe and unjust. The Commission, if they agree with the lawyers, could refer Satpal‚s case back to the Court of Appeal. A decision is scheduled for November 28th 2000.

Public support for Satpal has succeeded in pressuring the Director General of the Prison Service, Martin Narey to personally undertake a review of Satpal‚s imprisonment, taking into account the many disturbing factors related to his imprisonment in the first place and his treatment within the Criminal Justice System.

In his letter dated 07/04/00 Prison Minister Paul Boateng, stated "The Director General has concluded, and I agree, that if his settled behaviour continues, a down grading to Category C conditions will be made after six months to ensure his release quickly.‚ Settled behaviour has indeed been made possible since prison transfers have stopped (Satpal has been moved 63 times). Despite their promise, Satpal Ram still remains in Category A.

Over 50,000 people have signed the petition in support of Satpal Ram, including Eastern Eye Newspaper Campaign, Chris Mullen MP, John McDonald MP, Helen Jackson MP, Keith Vaz MP, Pauline Green MEP, Trevor Phillips and Liz Davies (Member of the NEC Labour Party), A. Sivanandan and National Civil Rights Movement (NCRM). High profile supporters including Asian Dub Foundation, Primal Scream, Massive Attack, and Chumbawumba have pledged support as well as Irvine Welsh, Sean Hughes, Lord Waheed Alli, Imran Khan, Mark Thomas, DJ Annie Nightingale, Benjamin Zephaniah, Shaka Hislop and Apache Indian.


We urge you to continue sending faxes of support for our demands to the address and fax. no below:

Paul Boateng - Minister Of Prisons

Home Office

Queen Anne's Gate



Fax: 020 7273 4090


for Further Information:

Please Call Lesley Naylor On The Campaign No.: 07947 595367

Posted Monday 6th November

PAROLE II - Satpal Benefit Gig

Dear Clubbers

A big shout out to everybody who has supported the case of Satpal Ram over the last few years. Some of you may be aware of Satpal’s case – in case you are not.

On 16th November 1986, Satpal Ram suffered a vicious unprovoked racist attack by a gang of 6 racists. As a result of Satpal defending himself he was charged, sentenced, and sent down for murder. Despite being set a tariff of 10 years, Satpal has served 14 years already. After years of campaigning Satpal’s case is finally being heard by the Parole Board. It is only through the support of various artists and clubbers across the country – that we have managed to get so far – we now need even more support to finally get Satpal out of prison.

That’s why on the 14th anniversary of the attack, we bring you PAROLE II – a benefit for the Free Satpal Ram Campaign (some of you remember last year’s sell-out PAROLE with Asian Dub Foundation)

PAROLE II returns for another unique helping of Underground, Overground, Big Bass, Drum & Bass and Breakbeat on Saturday 18th November at the Scala, Kings Cross, 9pm till 5am.

Downstairs LIVE are our very special guests, B21, the biggest bhangra outfit in the UK who have been selling out venues across the country. They will be joined by APACHE INDIAN, the original ragga boy who is set to storm the music scene with his explosive new album Karma. Also appearing live are SALAAM & FUNK who will be playing their unique funked up Bollywood sound.

Downstairs on the decks we bring you a unique line-up of the original pioneers of the global/drum’n’bass sound: First up Nelson Dilation – who will be joined by the critically acclaimed JOI – as well as Mo-Magic (Outcaste Records) and the legendary DJ Ritu (Sista India/Club Kali). Joining them will be Asian Dub Foundation’s Tour DJ - DJ Suki (Nation Records).

Upstairs is the domain of the original breakbeat pioneers, who are still out there pushing out the boundaries. The Nu school breakbeat artists from Big Beat Boutique and London’s original breakbeat night Chew the Fat bring out their big guns. First up will be Tipper (Fuel Records) with his more experimental sound, who with his best selling 2nd album (Critical Pass) brought breakbeat to a wider audience. Joining him will be Botchitt & Scarpa Records, Freq Nasty and Blim who with a more bass driven sound have become the global ambassadors of breakbeat. Also on the decks will be Danny McMillan (from Rennie Pilgrims’s TCR Records) with his funky detroit breakbeat sound. Supported by Purple Banana’s very own Gilly X.

In the chill-out room will be the unique talents of Bobby Friction (Ecostani) and Imran Khan (2nd Generation/BBC London Live) And if that wasn’t enough there will be a film café for all those who want to chill out in style.

The price for all of this is an amazing £5 b4 10pm then £7 b4 11pm and £10 after (all proceeds to the Campaign).

If any of you are in town on Thursday 16th November, the Free Satpal Ram Campaign are picketing 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, from 12 till 4pm. A delegation of Satpal’s family, celebs, MPs etc.. including Apache Indian will be handing in a letter demanding that Satpal Ram be released.

The Free Satpal Ram Campaign is supported by: Asian Dub Foundation, Primal Scream, Massive Attack, Mark Thomas, Eastern Eye, Annie Nightingale, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Meera Syal, Sean Hughes, Chumbawumba, Apache Indian plus many more



PO BOX 30091
07930 869895/0836 255823

Posted Sunday 29th October 2000

Satpal rang the campaign from HMP Full Sutton, Yesterday, Said to let y'all know he was over the moon with the actions that took place on Friday 27th October.

There was national media coverage, and prime time television coverage,

Nayab Chohan, a reporter for Eastern Eye, interviewed on BBC1 said

"over 10,00 people had wrote to or rang 'Eastern Eye' in support of Satpal Ram".

A demonstration was held outside the Home Office in London in the afternoon.

On the same afternoon Satpal was exercising in the cage at Full Sutton and heard the chants of the demonstrators outside the gates which Satpal said was "the best sounds I have heard for years;

Now it is just wait and see, the parole board have made their decision, it will be given to Satpal, within 14 days.

Satpal will let y'all know as soon as he gets the news.

Posted Monday 16 October 2000

Urgent!!! Parole Hearing Date

27th October 2000

Free Satpal Ram Campaign

Actions On the Day: London

Friday 27th October

Picket the Parole Board:

Abell House

John Islip Street

London SW1P

between 12-2pm.

The nearest tube station is Pimlico, on the Victoria line.

Actions On the Day: Full Sutton Prison

Friday 27th October

Picket: HMP Full - Sutton

Moor Lane

Stamford Bridge

York YO4 1PS

Between 2pm to 3.00pm

The nearest train station is York, there is a bus service from the station which leaves at 12.22pm



Press Release

This press release contains info for the Fax/Letter campaign. There will be another release at the end of this week detailing actions on the day.


  Satpal would like to ask you to URGENTLY support him further by faxing or writing a letter to the Parole Board between now and Friday 27th October 2000.


If you don't have access to a fax machine, sending the letter by post before this date would be vital.

Fax/Address model letter etc, details below:

Fax No for Parole Board:

Fax: 0207-217-5223

from outside the UK

Fax: Fax: + 44-207-217-5223

Model letter, copy, amend or write your own.


Att: Parole Board

Abell House

John Islip Street




Dear Parole Board,

Re: Mr Satpal Ram (E94 164)

Further to your recent parole board interview with Mr Ram, I feel the following information would be useful to you.

Mr Ram's original recommended tariff was set at eleven years in 1987. He has now served fourteen years in prison.

Satpal has always been sorry for the unfortunate death of his attacker. But he also maintains that his actions were in self defence. He is balanced and stable and knows exactly what he is doing and takes full responsibility for what he has done. Indeed, there is plenty of evidence to show that he has suffered brutally in the hands of the British judicial and prison system for the last fourteen years of his life. Treatment meted out simply because he dared to challenge his conviction.

Satpal has a flat to move into upon his release. He has a permanent, full time job that he can financially support himself.

A professional psychotherapeutic counsellor who has worked intensely with many ex-offenders with violent pasts, recently visited Satpal having known him for the past seven years and reported:

"Satpal has remarkable strength of character, he has remained mentally healthy, aware of his own feelings and thoughts and clearly able to articulate them. He is able to form strong and long lasting friendships with his colleagues, family and supporters - despite having been moved 63 times since his incarceration. All these factors collectively point toward him being a balanced and fully functioning man. I strongly believe that were Satpal to be released tomorrow he would be of no risk to the public."

I am sure that after reviewing such evidence, you can only conclude, as I do that Mr Ram should be released immediately,


Yours sincerely,







if you can please fax copies of anything sent to:


from outside the UK: +44-870-055-4570

or sanil-mail to:

Free Satpal Ram Campaign (London)

P.O. Box 30091



Posted Sunday 15 October 2000

Hi Y'all

Satpal's parole review hearing will take place on

Friday 27th* October 2000, this is one year later than it should be.

There will be a bulletin later this week, from the 'Satpal Ram London Group', detailing all the actions that will take place in the week, starting Monday 23rd of October.

Satpal is asking for actions in support of this parole hearing. There will definitely be action in London on the 27th, if you are free on that day or can join a lunchtime protest in London, please e-mail .

There will also be a fax and letter writing action from Monday 23rd of October to the day of the hearing.
Model letters will be posted If you think you will be able to organise something in you own area/country,
please let the
'Free Satpal Ram Campaign' know what you have planned.

If you have any petitions or signed model letters please post immediately to:

Free Satpal Campaign (London)
PO Box 23139
London SE1 1ZU
All petitions etc will be handed in to the parole board on the day.

*(On the 12 December 1997 the parole board put back Satpal's, Parole Review for two years. to 12th December 1999.)

Any late breaking news, will be posted on the site.

Posted Tuesday 10 October 2000

Satpal brutalised by Prison Officers

Satpal once again requests your help. This bulletin has been posted on Tuesday 10th October.

Satpal rang MOJUK yesterday Monday 9th October. Satpal said that the Prison Officers had once again increased their harassment in a continuation of the trouble which happened last month.

On Saturday morning the 7th October, Satpal was told by the prison duty officer he was being taken to segregation for adjudication on the trouble which happened last month. Satpal agreed to go and gathered up his toiletries and legal papers. The duty PO (Prison Officer) told Satpal that he would not be allowed to take anything with him. Satpal insisted that he needed his legal papers as he had a visit from his solicitor on Monday 9th October. As the duty officer would not let him take his things, Satpal refused to leave the cell.

On Saturday afternoon the 'Mufti Squad', (POs in padded uniforms and carrying riot shields) stormed into Satpal's cell and dragged him down to segregation and put into a strip cell. Again in front of a female PO, Satpal was stripped. This time with a lot more brutality, his shirt was torn of his back and then he was violently thrown to the ground and the rest of his clothes dragged off. The violence was such that Satpal was left prostrate on the ground for 10 minutes.

Monday morning Satpal's solicitor turned up for the legal visit and was treated with utter contempt. Satpal was brought into the interview room totally dishevelled, still wearing the torn shirt, the deep lacerations caused by ratchet handcuffs clearly visible. The solicitor asked for Satpal's legal documents, he was kept waiting for an hour and a half before the papers were produced leaving only 30 minutes before the interview was ended.


Satpal is once again asking you fax or write to the Governor of HMP Full Sutton

Model letter below:


David Roberts - Governor HMP Full Sutton

Fax: 01759-37-1206 from outside the UK + 44-1759-37-1206

Dear Mr Roberts

Re: Satpal Ram E94164

I am writing once again to voice my extreme concern about the way Satpal Ram is again being treated in your prison.

On Saturday morning the 7th October, Satpal was told by the prison duty officer he was being taken to segregation for adjudication on the trouble which happened last month. Satpal agreed to go and gathered up his toiletries and legal papers. The duty PO (Prison Officer) told Satpal that he would not be allowed to take anything with him. Satpal insisted that he needed his legal papers as he had a visit from his solicitor on Monday 9th October. As the duty officer would not let him take his things, Satpal refused to leave the cell.

On Saturday afternoon the 'Mufti Squad', (POs in padded uniforms and carrying riot shields) stormed into Satpal's cell and dragged him down to segregation and put into a strip cell. Again in front of a female PO, Satpal was stripped. This time with a lot more brutality, his shirt was torn of his back and then he was violently thrown to the ground and the rest of his clothes dragged off. The violence was such that Satpal was left prostrate on the ground for 10 minutes.

Monday morning Satpal's solicitor turned up for the legal visit and was treated with utter contempt. Satpal was brought into the interview room totally dishevelled, still wearing the torn shirt, the deep lacerations caused by ratchet handcuffs clearly visible. The solicitor asked for Satpal's legal documents, he was kept waiting for an hour and a half before the papers were produced leaving only 30 minutes before the interview was ended.

Your contempt for the humane treatment of prisoners knows no bounds.

Stop this harassment and return Satpal to normal regime.

Yours Sincerely


Don't forget to Fax a copy of your protest letter to;

0870-055-4570 from outside the UK + 44-870-055-4570

All copies will be snail-mailed to Satpal

e-mails of Solidarity to:


Posted Sunday 17th September 2000.

Statement from Satpal Ram

Having been overwhelmed with all your e-mails and letters, I felt I had to write and express my heartfelt thanks to you all for your ongoing support.

Following the recent fax protest, the Prison Governor has now allowed me back onto normal location. I'd just like to thank you all for making this possible. Without all your combined efforts I would still be languishing in the prison's Segregation Unit.

The ongoing ritual of abuse and the countless indignities that I've had to endure, yet again demonstrates the total lack of concern shown by the Prison authorities.

It is beyond belief that despite this whole incident having been taped, the Prison Governor feels that his Officers acted appropriately and that they are guilty of no wrongdoing.

Not only does this undermine the Complaints procedure, but it allows regimes such as Wormwood Scrubs to flourish.

I would ask you all to continue to support me in my fight for freedom. Sustained pressure is the only way that that the System is going to acknowledge and accept that a grave miscarriage of justice has occurred.

Thank you for your support.

'Til All Walls Fall.

Love and Respect

Solitary Brother, Satpal.

"Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere."

(Martin Luther King)

Free Mumia Abu Jamal. Free the Move 9.

Free all Political Prisoners now!

Posted Saturday 2nd September 2000

Satpal, stripped of all his clothes and videod naked before a female PO

Hi Y'all

Satpal once again requests your help. This bulletin has been posted on Saturday 2nd September.

With only 16 days to go before his parole hearing Satpal is once again under heavy manners.

Satpal rang MOJUK yesterday and to day. Yesterday Satpal said he felt sure that the Prison Officers (PO's) were once again increasing their harassment and was worried that he might disappear down the block without getting word to any one.

This afternoon Satpal was let out of the strip cell to make a phone call. He related the following.

At 8.30 this am, POs' entered his cell and told him he was been moved to the segregation wing. Satpal offered no resistance to the move and gathered up his legal documents and a few other things which legally he is allowed to take with him. PO's would not let Satpal take these materials and at this point Satpal refused to leave the cell. The next thing Satpal knew the cell was invaded by PO's with riot shields and Satpal was taken down to the segregation wing and put in a strip cell, and his clothes forcibly removed. Then PO's tried to get Satpal to allow them to video him, Satpal refused. PO's forced him to the ground and started the video, all this with a female PO resent. Satpal said " there is no doubt in my mind they were just harassing and trying to humiliate me". "Please ask my supporters to fax a protest to David Roberts the Governor at HMP Full Sutton" "My regards to everyone, I will never knuckle down as long as theirs a breath left in my body"

Model letter below:


David Roberts - Governor HMP Full Sutton

Fax: 01759-37-1206 from outside the UK + 44-1759-37-1206

Dear Mr Roberts

Re: Satpal Ram E94164

I am writing to voice my extreme concern about the way Satpal Ram is again being treated in your prison.

On Saturday morning 2nd September, you requested Satpal to go to segregation. Satpal agreed to go but insisted on taking his legal documents, to which he was entitled.

PO's present refused to let him take these materials and Satpal quite rightly refused to leave the cell without them. Then PO's with riot shields invaded Satpal's cell and removed him to the segregation unit.

In the segregation unit. PO's requested, Satpal to strip for searching and also to be videod. Satpal again refused. Strip searches are designed to humiliate and degrade more than anything else.

PO's then forcibly stripped Satpal and videod him naked this in the presence of a female PO.

There is no doubt in mind that the presence of a female PO was just to further humiliate Satpal.

You are more than aware that Satpal has a parole hearing this month. Are your actions trying to derail Satpal's parole hearing.

Please stop this harassment and return Satpal to normal regime.

Yours Sincerely


Don't forget to Fax a copy of your protest letter to;

0870-055-4570 from outside the UK + 44-870-055-4570

All copies will be snail-mailed to Satpal


Please remember at times like these messages of support for Satpal are most important.

they don't have to be long,

Hi Satpal, I/we support you is just as good as 2,000 words

Please include your full name, your town and country


Posted 20 Aug 2000

Satpal's, application to the parole board and submission to the Criminal Cases Review Commission have been completed and handed in.

A Member of the parole board is due to visit Satpal on the 18th September.

The CCRC have informed Satpal that they will give him a decision on the 11th October.

Time now will be at a standstill for Satpal, you can help speed up that time by writing to him either by e-mail or snail mail.

snail mail

Satpal Ram HMP Full Sutton
Moor Lane
Stamford Bridge
York YO4 1PS



Posted 1st August 2000

Satpal is back at HMP Full Sutton, waiting for news of his parole application and his submission to the Crininal Cases Review Commission.

HMP Full - Sutton
Moor Lane
Stamford Bridge
York YO4 1PS.

Posted 7th July 2000

Wind up those fax machines, Satpal wants your help again. Time is of the essence as Satpal is due to be moved back to HMP Full Sutton, around 10th 11th of next week. So when you get this message act quickly, Monday Tuesday at latest, if you dial and send, Y'all should bomb the Blakenhurst fax machine to distraction.

Satpal has been in HMP Blackenhurst for legal visits and whilst there has been refused normal open visits. When anyone visits Satpal at Blakenhurst they find a glass wall between them and Satpal is strip searched on return to the wing.

The reason for the closed visits according to the Governor is that prison dogs which sniffed Satpal's visitors, started barking, which indicated the visitors had illegal substances on them. Though the visitors were searched and the searches are thorough no illegal substances were found yet still Satpal has been punished.

Model letter below plus fax number

By fax: 01527 546382 From outside the UK +44-1527 546382

The Director
HMP Blakenhurst
Worcs B97 6QS

Dear Mr Siddons

Re: Satpal Ram E 94164

I am extremely concerned about the fact that Satpal Ram has been being forced to take closed visits while at Blakenhurst. Four social visits have been conducted under closed conditions.

Mr Ram does not have a drug-related history, nor any history of giving or receiving items on visits. Despite his having been in the prison system for 14 years and having been transferred many

times to different establishments, with the exception of a single occasion in 1995 which was later acknowledged by the Prison Service to have been an error, he has never been compelled to have his visits in closed conditions.

Visitors to Mr Ram have offered to undergo strip-searches to prove that they

are not carrying any contraband. This has been refused.

I insist that you stop this unwarranted harassment of Satpal Ram and allow him to receive normal open visits.

Yours sincerely


Satpal likes to see your handiwork so if you have time fax a copy of anything sent to.

0870-055-4570 form outside the UK +44-870-055-4570

Messages of support

Posted June 24 2000

Satpal has left Belmarsh and is currently in HMP Balkenhurst for further legal visits. Expected to return to

HMP Full Sutton, 2nd week in July.


Posted 2nd June 2000

Satpal Ram: HMP Belmarsh the Persecution Continues

On Wednesday 24th May 2000 Satpal was transferred to HMP Belmarsh to facilitate legal visits.

Thursday 1st June 2000 Satpal was ordered to report to the prison work shop in Belmarsh to pack tea-bags for the princely sum of £1.50 per day. Satpal refused point blank, stating quite rightly that he was only at Belmarsh for legal visits. That he needed all his time whilst there to prepare his submission for parole review.

As a result the Governor of HMP Belmarsh, Hazell Banks has put Satpal into segregation and cut his visitors time to 30 minutes and threatened Satpal with further reprisals if he continues to refuse to go to the work shop.

Satpal once again is asking supporters for help, he is asking you to fax the Governor of HMP Belmarsh insisting that Satpal is returned to basic regime.

Model letter copy, amend write your own.

Hazell Banks, Governor HMP Belmarsh
Fax: 0208-317-2421 from outside the UK +44-208-317-2421

Att: Hazell Banks, Governor HMP Belmarsh

Re: Satpal Ram E 94164

Dear Miss Banks Your treatment of Satpal Ram is appalling. Mr Ram is at Belmarsh to facilitate legal visits and to prepare his submission for parole review. He was not transferred to Belmarsh as a source of cheap labour to pack tea-bags at 1.50p per day. Putting him into segregation for quite rightly refusing to do this and threatening him with further reprisals is inhuman and degrading treatment, I insist that you should return Mr Ram to normal regime and allow him to concentrate on preparing his submission for parole.

Yours Sincerely

If you have time please send copies of any faxs sent to: 0870-055-4570 from outside the UK +44-870-055-4570

Posted 24th May 2000

Satpal has been transferred to HMP Belmarsh in South London and he should be ther for 4 to 6 weeks.. The transfer has been asked for by Satpal and his solicitor to facilitate legal visits.

Don't forget to drop him a lline snail-mail or e-mail.


When e-mailing please include your full name, home town and country

Snail mail

Satpal Ram
HMP Belmarsh
Western Way
London SE28 0EB

Posted Thursday 27th April 2000

Urgent Action Required-Satpal Back on the Block

On Wednesday 26th April 2000 at 4.00pm, Satpal Ram was once again put into segregation.

Governor Paul Foweather - Head of Residence at Full Sutton, said that Satpal was downgraded to Basic regime because of 'deteriorating behaviour' and failure to comply with sentence planning
Following the change in 'privilege status' he became 'aggressive' and 'threatened to disrupt the wing'. He was taken to the segregation unit under the 'good order and discipline' rule and has now been formally charged with using threatening and abusive language towards a prison officer.

In a message from Full Sutton on Wednesday 26th April, Satpal said that once again he had been put into segregation with out a reason being given to him.
And one again Satpal asks you all to protest to the Governor of Full Sutton about Satpal being put on the block and that he should be released immediately and returned to the normal regime.
Satpal refuses to comply with the Reasoning and Rehabilitation course, on the grounds that he is innocent.
Model letter and fax number below.

David Roberts - Governor
HMP Full Sutton
Fax: 01759-371206 from outside the UK +-1759-371206

Dear Mr Roberts

Re: Satpal Ram E94164

I am writing to voice my extreme concern about the way Satpal Ram is being treated in your prison. 
Mr Ram's legal advisers, campaigners and families recently met with Paul Boateng and received an assurance from him that his categorisation and allocation would be reviewed. There were indications that a move to a Category C prison could be expected. 
Events which took place on Wednesday 26th April seem to have been designed to derail this process.  
Satpal Ram was told that his privilege status was being changed to Basic because that his behaviour is 'deteriorating' and he does not participate in 'sentence planning', something you will appreciate is impossible to do if you you innocent. 
He was then taken to the segregation unit and is being charged with using abusive language against an officer.

Please intervene immediately to ensure that this charge is dropped against Satpal Ram and that he is immediately returned to A wing and reinstated to Standard regime.

Yours Sincerely

Please send copies of faxs sent to 0870-055-4570 +-44-870-055-4570

Please remember at times like these messages of support for Satpal are most important. they don't have to be long,
Hi Satpal, I/we support you is just as good as 2,000 words
Please include your full name, your town and country


Posted Monday 20 March 2000

Satpal Ram's family, his solicitor, and campaigners met with Paul Boateng, Home Office Minister, on Thursday 16 March and impressed on him the harshness of Satpal's prison conditions. Boateng has agreed to personally look into reclassifying Satpal as a category C prisoner and moving him to a prison nearer to his family. A decision was promised within two weeks.

Boateng was also presented with telephone logs by prison officers at Full Sutton in which they recorded prisoners conversations as "foreign crap", "foreign lingo", and "talks in Paki". As a result Boateng has ordered a full inquiry into racism at Full Sutton and promised that relevant prison officers would be disciplined. Some information about this was published in The Guardian on 17 March.

The Free Satpal Campaign (London) will be organising a presence at Vasakhi celebrations in Southall on 15 April.

Satpal's case will also be highlighted on 29 April at the Day of Remembrance for victims of racial violence organised by the National Civil Rights Movement.

The Free Satpal Campaign (London) can be contacted on 0973 632827 or 07775

Below article on Boatengs decision to order a full inquiry into racism at Full Sutton:

Minister orders inquiry into racism at prison
Race issues in the UK: special report
Vikram Dodd
Thursday March 16 2000
The Guardian

A home office minister yesterday ordered an inquiry into a top security prison after evidence emerged of racism among prison officers.

The prisons minister, Paul Boateng, demanded the investigation after being shown copies of racist remarks officers had written down at Full Sutton prison near York.

Last night a Labour MP called for the suspension of Martin Narey, the director general of the prison service, who had personally decided not to suspend the officers but sent them on a training course instead.

Mr Boateng was said to be shocked by the evidence, seen by the Guardian, which came in a log of phone conversations made by an Asian inmate which was kept by two prison officers.

One remark said that the prisoner "talks in Paki". The investigation will come as yet another embarrassment for the prison service, after allegations of racism against inmates at Wormwood Scrubs and Wandsworth, in London.

The prison service said the two officers had admitted writing the remarks after an earlier short informal inquiry. But Mr Narey had decided the incident was not serious enough to warrant suspension.

John McDonnell, the Labour MP, who showed Mr Boateng the dossier, said: "It's unbelievable. If the use of racist language is not sufficiently serious for Mr Narey to determine that these staff should be suspended, I shall be calling on the home secretary to suspend him."

Full Sutton is the jail where Satpal Ram is being held. He claims to have suffered racism from officers during his 13-year imprisonment for murder.

He claims he was defending himself against a racist attack, and Ram's supporters last night said the dossier supported his claims of prison racism.

The officers are identifiable because their signatures are by their comments.

They also wrote "foreign crap, well dodgy", "foreign lingo, can't comprehend" and "talking in foreign lingo".

The prison service said that Mr Boateng had asked Mr Narey for the "immediate" inquiry, which would be carried out by a governor from another prison.

"The prison officers involved fully accept that the language they used was unacceptable and unprofessional. Since these comments were written the officers have attended race relations training.

"The director general has personally reviewed the case and does not consider suspensions are necessary.

"Sending them on compulsory race awareness training was sufficient, he felt."

Mr Boateng yesterday met supporters of Satpal Ram. When shown the dossier Mr Boateng stopped the meeting and left the room for five minutes, and announced the investigation on his return.

Mr McDonnell, also present at the meeting, demanded that the two officers be suspended pending the fresh inquiry. "This is evidence of racist attitudes if not racist behaviour, among people supposed to be trained not to be racist in their treatment of prisoners."

The prison service said that all its officers attended half a day's race training on joining, with another refresher course after three years.

Extra training was given to specialist teams.

Mr McDonnell said the dossier showed that the training was not enough.

"The training system needs reviewing as does the assessment of officers after they finish training."

Copyright Guardian Media Group plc.

Posted Thursday 3rd February 2000

Free Satpal Ram Campaign

Vigil for Satpal Ram

Satpal Ram has been in jail for fourteen years for defending his life against a vicious racist attack in a Birmingham restaurant.

While in prison, he has been subjected to beatings, strip searches and starvation.

On 28 February Satpal's family will meet Paul Boateng, Minister for Prisons, to
demand that Satpal is released. Please come along and show your support.

Vigil for Satpal Ram
Monday 28th February
outside the Home Office
Queen Anne's Gate, London SW1
(St. James' Park tube)

Satpal Ram. has been elected as Vice President of the UK National Civil Rights Movement NCRM, along with Sukhdev Reel, Kwesi Menson, Gareth Pierce and Imran Khan.

Satpal has for the first time met a Member of Parliament.
John McDonnell MP for Hayes and Harlignton accompanied by Suresh Grover Chair person of the UK National Civil Rights Movement, visited Satpal in HMP Full Sutton on Monday 31 January
John McDonnell has agreed to raise Satpal's cause in Parliament through debate and questions and will be demanding that Satpal is released immediately.

Posted Sunday 30th January 200

A farcical trial and 13 years of racist abuse in jail - the story of Satpal Ram

The young Asian always insisted he killed in self-defence. Now he speaks out for the first time to Jay Rayner.

The Observer: Sunday January 30th 2000

Beneath Satpal Ram's right eye is a tight gash of scar tissue, the result, he says, of a beating he received at the hands of racist prison officers three years ago. On his wrists are the grooves left by the constant use of ratchet handcuffs, employed during the 59 transfers between penal institutions he has had to endure. These are merely the physical marks left by more than a decade inside the prison system; years he has served for a conviction which he and a growing band of supporters say is a gross - and racist - miscarriage of justice. The emotional scars doubtless run much deeper. rest of story

Posted Friday 14 January 2000

Free Satpal Ram

Though Satpal is still waiting for his parole hearing, good news came on Wednesday 12 January 2000. a group of British MPS (members of Parliament) have moved a Early Day Motion EDM calling for the release of Satpal Ram.

Satpal supporters in the UK are asked to contact their MPS and get them to sign the EDM.

Early Day Motion EDM 249

Wednesday 12 january 2000

That this House calls for the release of Mr Satpal Ram who has now served 13 years in prison for killing in self-defence a racist who, with five accomplices, attacked Mr Ram, stabbing him twice and who died because he refused medical treatment; and further calls for an inquiry into the investigation and trial which resulted in this miscarriage of justice.


McDonnell, John
Simpson, Alan
Hopkins, Kelvin
Corbyn, Jeremy
Best, Harold
Jones, Lynne
Wise, Audrey
Cryer, Ann
Cable, Vincent
Kumar, Ashok
Graham, Thomas
McNamara, Kevin
Caton, Martin
Mahon, Alice
Coleman, Iain
Kingham, Tess
Twigg, Stephen
Laxton, Bob
Austin, John
Davis, Terry