Free Satpal Ram 1999

Posted Monday 6 December 1999

1,100 people attend Satpal event

Jailing this man is not a laughing matter

By Shekhar Bhatia

TODAY, like every other day for the past 13 years, Satpal Ram woke up in his prison cell to dream of freedom and British justice. But his prayers now have an extra significance, for the process which may lead to his release will begin on Wednesday, backed by some of Britain's top television comedians.

Satpal, 33, has been in jail since lashing out with a knife at a man who racially abused him in a Bangladeshi restaurant in Birmingham calling him a "wog", and then attacked him with a broken wine glass.

The argument that he acted in self-defence never came to court. Instead his legal team advanced a defence of provocation and the all-white jury convicted the Asian warehouseman of murder. He received the mandatory life sentence.

Since then the campaign to free him has grown and last Monday 1,100 people attended a special evening in London dedicated to his cause. TV comic Mark Thomas is spearheading demands for the Home Office parole board, which meets this week to consider the case, to grant him liberty.

He said: "Satpal should be freed now. The whole case has been a miscarriage of justice. It is indisputable that Satpal defended himself against a racist attack, yet witnesses who could have corroborated this were not called.

"The judge, who couldn't speak a word of Bengali, said he would translate the testimony of Bengali waiters who were called to give evidence.

"These two facts alone mark out Satpal's case as one of the most vile racist travesties of justice to have occurred in Britain.

"If Britain, and by Britain in this instance I mean white Britain, can feel revulsion and anger at Stephen Lawrence's death, then we have to say, 'Enough is enough, we will no longer tolerate racism of any form.' There is no excuse for the judge's behaviour, nor the slap-dash and ignorant advice from Satpal's defence. It is easy to sloganise that 'self-defence is no offence'. But the law must recognise self-defence against a racist attack is a hugely significant fact in differentiating between murder and manslaughter.

"It is utterly shameful that racist attacks occur every day in this country. But how much more shameful is it that a British court, in effect, condones them by the sentence passed on Satpal.

"The right of a person to defend themself against a racist attack has to be recognised."

Never Mind the Buzzcocks star Sean Hughes said: "There is definitely inverted racism at play here. If it was a white man who had defended himself it would never have got to court.

"I am totally against all kinds of violence but this was self-defence, as I understand it. Being Irish I have seen how minorities get unfairly treated by the justice system in this country and this is another example."

Stand-up comedian Jeremy Hardy said: "When a white man shoots a burglar he receives a wave of sympathy. Satpal Ram defends himself against a racist attack and he rots in jail."

Satpal's brother Mahinder said: "Our main priority is to get Satpal out of jail. He should not have gone there in the first place. He is currently in Full Sutton Prison in Yorkshire and despite all the years he has served he is still classed as a category B prisoner.

"Once he is freed, it will be up to him how we get his conviction overturned. He was never a violent or aggressive man, but he was attacked because of the colour of his skin. None of the other white people in the restaurant who abused him was ever arrested or charged.

"There was no interpreter there to tell the jury exactly what some of the restaurant staff were saying. That is just not right."

Mahinder said the dead man, Clarke Pearce, had refused to let a woman hospital doctor treat his two stab wounds in a Birmingham hospital.

Satpal is being represented by Gareth Peirce, who acted as solicitor for the Guildford Four and Birmingham Six.

Other celebrity supporters include disc jockey Annie Nightingale, author Irving Walsh and musicians The Asian Dub Foundation and Primal Scream. Campaigner Stan Butt said: "Satpal was given a tariff of 10 years and he has served 13.

"If he had not defended himself we would have had another Stephen Lawrence case on our hands. He did not start the fight. He did not use racial abuse. He was picked on and then attacked."

Mr Butt said Satpal had used his time in jail to read up on the law and actively support other cases he saw as legally flawed. A campaign spokeswoman said: "Satpal last came up for appeal in 1995. Once again, Satpal was not allowed to give evidence on his own behalf and the Bengali-speaking waiters who witnessed the original events were not called to give evidence.

"Instead, the Appeal judges decided that Satpal was guilty on the basis of the original, flawed, trial evidence. They said they were not able to pass judgment on the professional practice of one of their colleagues.

"Satpal has been moved 59 times around the prisons and has spent an excessive amount of time in segregation. People only get moved normally about every two years."

Primal Scream singer Bobby Gillespie said: "The authorities are trying to bring Satpal to his knees. The guy has been in jail for 13 years for defending himself in a racist attack and we want to help the people who are working to get him out."

Thursday 11 November 1999

"Free Satpal Ram Campaign"

There will be an event outside the
Home Office
50 Queen Annes Gate
London SW1H 9AT
On Tuesday 16 November from 12.00pm to 1.00pm,
to mark !3th year since Satpal defended himself against the racist attack which has resulted in Satpal spending a third of his life behind bars.

Public Meeting

Free Satpal Ram

Wednesday 17th November 1999

7:30pm Committee room 10

House of Commons, St Stephens Gate entrance

Satpal Ram has spent 13 years in prison for murder after defending himself against a racist attack. His parole board hearing should take place in December1999:

Mahinder Ram
Ian McDonald QC
Gareth Pierce
Imran Khan
Neville Lawrence;
John McDonnel MP

Benefit for "Free Satpal Ram Campaign"
Monday 22 November 1999
The Scala
Pentonville Road (Kings Cross)
starting at 8:00pm, with music and comedy.

Monday 6 September 1999

Prison governor moves Satpal to try and stop demonstration.

The Demonstration to "Free Satpal Ram" on Saturday 4th September, was attended by over 30 people, including Alice Nutter and Boff from Chumawamba who had travelled from Leeds.

Given the isolation of Frankland Prison this was an excellent turn out. We certainly had an effect bringing lots of banners and placards, supporting Satpal and calling for an end to beatings and an inquiry into the racist behaviour of Frankland's guards. We also had a small PA system playing Asian Dub Foundation's "Free Satpal Ram".

The Prison knew that we were coming; they had moved Satpal to Full Sutton prison (this is the 59th time he has been moved the average is 6) after 3 organisers went to visit him the week before, this was to try and stop the demo as Satpal explains in this letter:

Statement by Satpal Ram - Full Sutton prison, 31.8.99

"I was moved here on Thursday 26th August to take the focus away from the protest at the prison on the 4th September.

I would like to ask everyone who comes to that demonstration or who can give their support in any way to support my call for an independent inquiry into the segregation unit at Frankland and the way in which prisoners especially black prisoners, are treated here.

Shortly before my transfer I was visited by Durham Police and I made a statement to them, naming several prison officers who were involved in the assaults on me. The day before I was moved I rang the Prisoners Advice Service and asked them to contact the police to report an assault on a Sikh prisoner, who had been assaulted and dragged into a strip-cell. He was moved on the same day as I was and he is now at Holme House prison. Prisoners I have named to the police as witnesses have also been dispersed to different gaols.

The treatment of prisoners at Frankland is brutal and overtly racist. To cover this up the staff fabricate disciplinary charges and 'security information' reports. I have been charged with petty disciplinary offences almost every day while held in segregation at Frankland during the past 8 weeks."

"Till all Walls Fall"
"In Constant Struggle"
Solitary Brother, Satpal Ram.

As many comrades as possible should write today (just a post card to Satpal, will do) to Satpal in support of his campaign and also to the Home Office demanding his release and an inquiry into HMP Frankland's Segregation Unit. We believe Satpal will be transferred back to Frankland soon, but at the moment you can write to him at:

Satpal Ram E94-164
HMP Full - Sutton
Moor Lane
Stamford Bridge
YO4 1PS.

Or you can e-mail Satpal:
all messages via e-mail are snail mailed onto him:

Friday 20 August 1999

Satpal Ram again assaulted by prison officers

On Thursday 19 August Satpal Ram was yet again assaulted by prison officers in the segregation unit at Frankland prison.

This latest attack began when Satpal went to go on exercise and was jostled around by screws as he left the shower area and put his jumper on to go outside. When he returned from exercise, five or six screws came to his cell and subjected him to a torrent of verbal (particularly racial) and physical abuse, resulting in numerous injuries - pulled ligaments, tendons and internal bruising.

Satpal has been in segregation unit continuously, apart from one day, since 29 June, when he declined to have his photograph taken. He'd been photographed just a few months earlier and his appearance hadn't changed since so there was no justification for the demand. Satpal had already had his stereo confiscated and his legal paperwork rifled through a week earlier, so just saw this as further harassment. He was then ordered to go to the segregation unit to be adjudicated on for refusing a direct order. When he refused this order as well, he was taken to the segregation by the 'Control and Restraint' squad.

Satpal has contacted Durham police and reported the prison staff for assault. He will be taking legal advice regarding a civil action for damages.

(Incident 1) Wednesday 16 June, Satpal's cell was trashed by prison warders
(Incident 2) Wednesday 30 June, Satpal taken from his cell, dragged down to the block, stripped naked and tossed into a segregation cell.

Send letters of solidarity to:
Satpal Ram E94164
HMP Frankland
Durham DH1 5YD.

Send letters of complaint about the assault and Satpal's general treatment
to Governor Ivor Woods at the same address.

Please fax a letter of protest to the Governor of Durham Prison, model letter below.

Fax from the UK: 0191-384-9203

Fax from Europe: 00-44-191-384-9203
Ivor Woods
HMP Frankland

Dear Mr. Woods
This is the third complaint that we have received in three months that one of your prisoners Satpal Ram E 94164, has been harassed by prison staff.

On Thursday 19 August, Mr. Ram was yet again assaulted by prison officers in the segregation unit at Frankland prison.
This latest attack began when Satpal went to go on exercise and was jostled around by screws as he left the shower area and put his jumper on to go outside. When he returned from exercise, five or six screws came to his cell and subjected him to a torrent of verbal (particularly racial) and
physical abuse, resulting in numerous injuries - pulled ligaments, tendons and internal bruising.

This petty harassment must stop and we demand that Mr. Ram is returned immediately to normal prison routine.

Yours Sincerely

Friday 2 July 1999

Satpal rang this afternoon to say that he's still in solitary, is ill and
being denied toiletries, writing paper, stamps. He said he is getting
threats of violence, and that every time the door open he faces a "guantlet
of abuse". He asked us to call his support network and we have attached
the letter Legal Action for Women sent to the Governor at Frankland Prison.
Can you e-mail it to your network, asking people to write to the Governor,
their MP, and groups they think can help. Thank you,

Power to the Sisters,

Sara , Black Women for Wages for Housework

Free Satpal Ram Campaign Wednesday 30 June 1999

Satpal back on the "block"

On the block, "Punishment Block" this means solitary confinement for discipline and good order, which in practice means punishment, a prison within in a prison..
The "Block" is about an enhanced regime, no association, no bedding in the cell during the day, clothing and footwear placed outside the cell at night, regular inspections, constant checking to see you're behaving yourself.

Tuesday 29 June 1999

In a phone call from Durham Prison, Tuesday 29 June 1999, Satpal Ram, said that he had been asked by warders to allow them to take a photograph.(Satpal says they already have about 20).

Satpal Ram had already been photographed on his return from Belmarsh to Frankland earlier this year and there was therefore no need whatsoever to photograph him again.

Satpal said he refused their request on the grounds that he had not had his property returned which was taken from him on the 16 June. (see below)
The warders then threatened Satpal that he would be put into segregation if he did not comply with their request.

Satpal did not.

This morning Wednesday 30 June one of Satpal's fellow prisoners phoned the Campaign to say that Satpal had been taken from his cell, dragged down to the block, stripped naked and tossed into a segregation cell.

Two other prisoners, both of whom attest to Mr Ram being subjected to constant verbal aggression by members of the segregation unit staff. On 6 July he was also subjected to physical aggression.

Please fax a letter of protest to the Governor of Durham Prison, model letter below.

Fax from the UK: 0191-384-9203

Fax from Europe: 00-44-191-384-9203
Ivor Woods
HMP Frankland

Dear Mr. Woods
This is the second complaint that we have received this month that one of your prisoners Satpal Ram E 94164, has been harassed by prison staff.

On Tuesday Mr. Ram refused to let prison staff take his photo, prison staff then threatened Mr. Ram that if he did not comply he would be put on the "block".

This morning Wednesday 30 June, Mr. Ram was taken from his cell, dragged down to the block, stripped naked and tossed into a segregation cell.

This action is petty and we demand that Mr. Ram is returned immediately to normal prison routine and that the property taken from him earlier this month is returned.

Yours Sincerely

Posted Wednesday 16 June 1999

This morning Wednesday 16 June, Satpal's cell was trashed by prison
warders his legal documents were seized and read and his personal stereo
was taken away.

In a phone call from Durham Prison this morning Wednesday 16 June,
Satpal Ram has asked for a immediate fax protest campaign to the governor
of Durham prison Ivor Woods.

Below is a short letter which you can copy or write your own.

Fax from the UK: 0191-384-9203

Fax from Europe: 00-44-191-384-9203

Ivor Woods
HMP Frankland

Dear Mr Woods
We have received a complaint that one of your prisoners Satpal Ram
E 94164, has been harrased by prison staff.
This morning Wednesday 16 June, Mr Rams cell was trashed by prison
warders his legal documents were seized and read and his personal stereo
was taken away.
We request that this matter is investigated thoroughly and Mr Rams
property is returned.

Yours Sincerely


The power of support from outside.
Communication of any sort will be precious to Satpal Ram, and your support
regardless of apparent lack of progress will never be futile if it keeps
his hopes alive! Write to:

Please fax or e-mail copies of anything you send to Ivor Woods to:
Free Satpal Ram Campaign:
Fax from the Uk 0870-055-4570
Fax from Europe: 00-44-870-055-4570

If you have time to snail mail Satpal:

Satpal Ram
HMP Frankland
Durham DH1 5YD

Posted Sunday 24 January 1999

Satpal is now in "Belmarsh" one of the most notorious long term prisons in the UK. Satpal has now been moved 57 times the average moves for prisoners serving life is usually between 4 to 6 times.

It was Satpal Ram's birthday on Monday 25 January. He will be 33 years old.
He's been in prison since he was 20, after being given a life sentence for
defending himself in a racist attack in a restaurant, when one of his
attackers died after refusing medical treatment.
Send birthday cards message of support
(recorded delivery) to:

Satpal Ram
E 94164,
HMP Belmarsh,
Western Way,
Thamesmead, SE28 0EB

The power of support from outside.

Communication of any sort is precious to Satpal Ram, and your support regardless of apparent lack of progress will never be futile if it keeps his hopes alive!.

Letters of support are more urgent when he has been moved to another prison, so anyone receiving this message please reply as soon as possi

Satpal 99

Satpal 98

Satpal 97

Criminal Justice Under The Microscope by Satpal Ram


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