Free Satpal Ram 1998

The Judge sentenced him to life
the Prison service have sentenced him to Hell

Posted 14/12/98

has been put back on the block:

Demonstrate Saturday 19 December HMP Frankland
11.00am to 12.00pm
HMP Frankland

Stop sexual assaults on inmates by prison staff.

On Monday 23 November, prison officers carried out a lock down search of
Frankland prison. Two wings were targeted, prisoners were strip searched
and then ordered to squat for anal inspection. A number of prisoners
refused on the grounds that this was a sexual attack on their persons.
Those who refused were forcibly put into segregation, one prisoner had his
hand broken and his ear drum perforated.

A statement released by the Prisoners said:

"We the undersigned request a barristers opinion to challenge the
legality of what clearly constitutes the arbitrary misuse of power. These
strip searches are designed to humiliate and degrade more than anything
else and we feel that those in positions of authority should be held
accounted for their actions."

This statement was signed by 43 prisoners

Posted 30/11/98

Saturday 28 November

This after noon with out warning or any reason being given Satpal Ram was
dragged from his cell and put into segregation.

His last message before disappearing into isolation is ask all supporters
to fax the governer of Durham prison demanding a reason as to why Satpal
has been put back on the block and that Satpal should be immediately
returned to his normal cell.

The governers' name is:
Ivor Woods
and the fax number 0191-384-9203
from outside the UK ++191-384-9203

Satpal 99

Satpal 98

Satpal 97

Criminal Justice Under The Microscope by Satpal Ram


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