The bravery of
A modern day suffragette
Fearless and showing enormous courage this lady took on the British establishment. Fighting charlatan members of the medical profession who have invented a theory that would have done those who burnt and hung people for witchcraft proud, she just had to be silenced. We are used to facts being twisted and hidden by those running the British hate, spite and vengeance industry and this case was no different.

Emmerline Pankhurst (herself imprisoned more than once) and the girls back in the early 1900s would have been very proud to have recognised Penny as one of their own. The spite of the people in control of our so-called justice system becomes so apparent when you realise that Penny is the mother of eight children and is still breast feeding her youngest child who was just five or six months old when they imprisoned her. So her baby has now been deprived of its mothers's milk and is now being artificially fed and Penny has milk that she needs to dispose of. Cruelty to both mother and child!

The spiteful male judge (sitting without a jury?) would not be concerned with that though - would he? His only interest was in making sure she was suppressed having declared her a danger just like those suffragettes who also dared to fight those in authority several decades ago. The Judge, Guy Whitburn QC, had commented
BEFORE the trial, "Ms Mellor is a dangerous eccentric" proving he was already biased. Not unusual in Britain. Those words, "Ms Mellor is a dangerous eccentric" tell us all. They are by a man who fears his power is being undermined. This man is obviously not a lover of children, unlike Penny Mellor. Someone should ask her children what they think of Guy Whitburn QC.


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A message from a journalist to the British Medical Journal

From: Brian Morgan
To: Richard Smith
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: Reference letter in BMJ

Dear Dr Smith

I am concerned to put the record straight in this case - see BMJ letter below.

Mrs Mellor was sentenced to two years imprisonment on Thursday 21st March 2002. This term was imposed despite Mrs Mellor having a 5 month baby at home, as well as other young children needing her care. The roll call of children (in my opinion) needlessly separated from their parents as a result of these controversial Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy allegations continues to rise (indirectly as a result in this case of course).

Without wishing to go over old ground in respect of this case, could I just say that in November 1998 I was contacted for assistance by the family involved. Reporting was virtually impossible because of care proceedings in the index child's case, the sibling of the child allegedly abducted. I'm a journalist not a campaigner, so I put the family in touch with anti child abuse campaigner Mrs Penny Mellor, well known for her support of victims in the North Wales care homes scandal.

Care proceedings were instigated in the index child's case following an allegation of Munchausen's by Proxy by Professor David Southall, after an admission of the said child to North Staffordshire Hospital. You see, Professor Southall and North Staffs are at the heart of this as they are at the heart of so many other cases.

I can support this statement with documentary evidence.

And complaints currently laid before the GMC in respect of the above named doctor, so far as I am aware from earlier discussions with Mrs Mellor, did not originate from her (as has been claimed in the current issue and previously in the BMJ). How the BMJ thinks it can know otherwise given the confidentiality of the GMC disciplinary process puzzles me.

Conflict of Interest
Arrested, charged with conspiracy and cleared, just for being in contact with this family. My name provided to the police by Professor David Southall, along with the names of a number of parents of former patients of his, evidence for this disclosed during the above proceedings and available for inspection.

Brian Morgan
BMJ 2002;324:693 ( 23 March )

PENNY'S FIGHT - Read background Documents to this case:
1. The Huge Cover up - Jan 1999
2.  The Alexander Story - Feb 23, 1999
3.  Misdiagnosis - Aug 1999
4.  Penny refuses to remain silent - Jul 2000
5.  Penny arrested, children questioned - July 2000
6.  Court Letters - Jan 2002
7.  The Touche Inquest - Jan 19, 2002
8.  Professional Misconduct? - Feb 1, 2002
9.  Imprisonment - Newspaper articles Mar 2002
10. So why did Penny get involved

11. The Evening Standard (London) February 24, 2003